Monday, March 12, 2012

Watercress and Arugula

After seeing Montel Williams (who has MS) on Piers Morgan last night explain how using smoothies to consume more greens has reduced inflammation in his body, I'm more sold on smoothies than ever. (Montel said his limp is almost completely gone and he's feeling great. He's also very serious about getting enough Omega 3 and 6. )
This morning I made one that is worth remembering. I was lucky to find some watercress in our grocery this weekend, but I think this would be yummy with almost any greens. Still...watercress has a great flavor. I'm finding that I really like arugula in a smoothie too - it adds a peppery flavor that's appealing to me.
I had some sliced apples and fresh pineapple that were aging, so decided to sort of go on my own with this smoothie. I honestly didn't measure anything except the avocado and  watercress. I made this smoothie for one. Took about 3 minutes. 
  • Elderly apple sices (about half an apple, skin on)
  • Elderly pineapple (probably about 1/2 cup)
  • 1/4 fresh avocado (that's a serving for one person, and provides healthful oil)
  • 2.5 ou fresh watercress - stems and all
  • 1/2 banana
  • Just enough pomegranate juice to make it all blend - probably around 1/2 cup.
I could've added a couple of dates; that might have been really nice. They add sweetness and fiber. I'm learning that with a smoothie like this, I generally have to get my spatula and simply go up and down the sides to get it to blend, even with juice, water, or some kind of milk.
And...I'm down 32 pounds now. :) Got stuck at 30 for a while; just kept doing what I was doing. Eating out tends to slow me down, and so does missing exercise. No surprise there.
From PeerTrainer, I'm learning that when I mess up, I just move right on. No need to dwell on it. Journal about it - what happened and how to avoid it - and keep focusing mostly on enjoying when I'm doing well.

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